Friday, September 17, 2010

A Good Way to Drive Yourself Nuts:

1.) Book your wedding 2 years in advance and tell yourself that you are going to get everything done “early”.

It’s NOT going to happen.

Your wedding planner and catering manager will try their best to help you get as much done as soon as possible but I can tell you right now, the last 2 months before your wedding there WILL be changes.

The changes may have nothing to do with your planner or your venue, but nothing in this life is perfect and there are many factors and details that will most definitely change. Vendors will need your opinion on an idea or friends may call and ask if they can bring someone. Your wedding will constantly change.

I had a bride who had booked two years at a venue prior to her wedding date and believed that she could have all detailing done a year before the wedding. Sure, she locked down her vendors, secured her space, and detailed as much of the event as she possibly could in that first year.  I started at the venue 4 months prior to her wedding and took over for the previous catering manager. When it came down to it, she couldn’t enjoy herself because she had a notion in her head that “all this was supposed to be done”. She was also a serious nightmare for her planner and for me.

My advice: Go with the flow.  Enjoy the planning process!  Things will change inevitably and you must prepare yourself for those changes.


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