Thursday, August 19, 2010

To Host or Not to Host?

The Bar. Oh, the bar.

At some point during the planning process the bar question has probably crossed your mind. Should I host the bar? Should I make it a cash bar? I don’t want to look cheap, but I’m seriously freaking out about my fiancĂ©’s former frat buddies and the crazy bar tab they could rack up!

It’s ok. A recent poll showed that most people don’t care if you have a cash or hosted bar. They don’t mind paying on their own and are just glad there is a bar at all!

However, there are many different combinations of bar services that most venues will accommodate. Here are a few options:

1.) Host only the cocktail hour. That way you contributed a bit and that’s when most people are going to drink anyway. The can pay for their own drinks after that cocktail hour.

2.) Host up to a certain dollar amount. If you have a budget and have a limit on what you can spend, host up to $500 or $1000 (whatever your dollar amount is). After that amount has been consumed, they will pay for their own drinks.

3.) Host beer and wine only.

4.) Host per person per hour. If you’re still scared about the frat boys and think the drinking based on consumption could be dangerous ground, many venues offer per person pricing. This way you can host for a few hours and they can drink as much as they want for a flat rate. This is a great idea if your group drinks a fair amount.

Most importantly: Don’t feel guilty. This is your wedding and if you want to have a cash bar, you have a cash bar!


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